Basic Information

 Yi-Jun Yang(杨义军)

Correspondence: School of Computer Science and Technology, Xi'an Jiaotong  University, 
Email:                    yangyijuny AT or yangyijun AT

I am now a professor in School of Computer Science and Technology of Xi'an Jiaotong  University. In 07/2008, I received my Ph.D degree in the Department of Computer Science and Technology at Tsinghua University, China. I received my B.Sc. and M. Sc in Computer Science and Technology from Shandong University in 2000 and 2003, respectively.

Research Interests

  1. Computer Graphics and Computer Aided Design
  2. Constrained Surface Mapping
  3. Extremal Quasiconformal Mapping
  4. Surface Registration and Analysis
  5. Freeform Surface Parameterization 



Journal Papers

1. Y. Liu, P.Zhang, W.P. Xu, W. Zeng, Y.J. Yang*, W.M. Wang*. Design and Optimization of Variable Radii Self-Supporting Lattice Structures, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineerin, 2024, Accepted.

2. H. Zhang, Y.J. Yang*, W. Zeng. Towards Semantically Continuous Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation Via Margin Adaptive Contrastive Learning And Wavelet Transform.Expert Systems With Applications, 252(124132)2024

3.H. Zhang, Y.J. Yang*, W. Zeng. Self-supervised multi-scale semantic consistency regularization for unsupervised image-to-image translation. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 241(103950), 2024. 

4. H.C. Zhang,Y. Liu,K. Dai,T.Q. Song, L. Wang, W. Zeng, Y.J. Yang*. An algorithm to compute the distance of 2D line segments based on local coordinate system. Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics, 35(12):1966-1976, 2023.

5. Y.L. Bi, J.Z. Liu, Y.J. Yang*, W. Zeng, J.H. Yong. A parallel algorithm to parse STEP files based on multiple threads. Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics, 35(12):1842-1850, 2023.

6. Q. Zhao, W. Zeng*, Y.J. Yang. A self-intersecting polygon decomposition algorithm based on region partition. Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics, 35(12):1910-1919, 2023..

7.Y. Liu, P. Zhang, H.C. Zhang, W.M. Wang, T.Q. Song, X. Yan, W. Zeng*, Y.J. Yang*. Self-supporting parametric polyhedral structure for 3D printing. Advances in Engineering Software,186:103529, 2023.

8.Y.J. Yang,Y.M. Zhao, L.Q. Yang, W. Zeng*. Diffeomorphic Registration of 3D Surfaces with Point and Curve Landmarks. Communications in Mathematics and Statistics (CIMS), 2023.

9.H. Chang, F.L. Jing,Y.L. Hou*,L.Q. Chen,Y.J. Yang,T.Y. Liu,C.L. Wei,B.Q. Zhai* and C.Y. Hou. Development of a Mathematical Model to Size the Photovoltaic and Storage Battery Based on the Energy Demand Pattern of the House. Frontiers in Energy Research, 10,2022.

10.H. Chang, I. Lee, B.Q. Zhai,Y.J. Yang and Y.L. Hou. Proposing Strategies for Efficiency Improvement by Using a Residential Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Co-Generation System in a Small-Scale Apartment Building. Frontiers in Energy Research, 10,2022.

11.X.W. Li, Y.J. Yang,W. Zeng*, Y.L. Bi, J.L. Xu, G. Xu and X.J. Zhang. Area-preserving hierarchical NURBS surfaces computed by the optimal freeform transformation. Computer-Aided Design (CAD),2022,143:103134

12.X. Zhao, H.R. Wang, B.W. Zhang, Y.J. Yang*, R.Z. Hu. Learning Cuboid Abstraction of 3D Shapes via Iterative Error Feedback. Computer-Aided Design (CAD),2021,141:103092. 
13. X.W. Li, Q.H. Zhao, Y.J. Yang*, W. Zeng, L. Sun, Y. Li and G. Xu. Biquadratic Bézier Surfaces with Area-preservation Parameterization. Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics, 2021,33(3):465-474.
14. Y.J. Yang and Wei Zeng*. Quasiconformal Rectilinear Map, Journal of Graphical Models (GMOD), 2020,107:101057.
15. X.W. Li and Y.J. Yang*. A C1 Continuous Algorithm to Optimize Parameterizations of NURBS Surfaces. Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics, 2019,31(11):1882-1888.
16. X.W. Li, L. Sun, Y.J. Yang*, and W. Zeng. An Approximate Chord-Length Parameterization Algorithm for Rational Bézier Curves. Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics, 2019,31(9):1622-1627.
17. Y.J. Yang, M. Razib and W. Zeng. Intrinsic parameterization and registration of graph constrained surfaces. Journal of Graphical Models (GMOD), 2018, 97:30-39.
18. Y.J. Yang, W. Zeng and X.X. Meng. Conformal freeform surfaces. Computer-Aided Design (CAD), 2016, 81:48-60.
19. Y.J. Yang*, W. Zeng and Tian-Qi Song. Optimizing Conformality of NURBS Surfaces by General Bilinear Transformations. Computer-Aided Design (CAD), 2015, 46(6):12–25.
20. Y.J. Yang* and W. Zeng. Optimizing Equiareality of NURBS Surfaces using Composite Mobius Transformations. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (CAM), 2015, 279:1-12.
21. Y.J. Yang*, W. Zeng and J.F. Chen. Equiareal parameterizations of NURBS surfaces. Graphical Models (GMOD), 2014, 76(1):43-55.
22. C.L. Yang, W.Z. Wang, Y.J. Yang*, L. Lu, Z.J. Zhu, B. Zhu, and W. Zeng. Weak visibility polygons of NURBS curves inside simple polygons. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (CAM), 2014, 256(15):1–15.
23. Y.J. Yang*, W. Zeng, C.L. Yang, B.L. Deng, X.X. Meng, and S.S. Iyengar. An algorithm to improve parameterizations of rational Bézier surfaces using rational bilinear reparameterization. Computer-Aided Design (CAD), 2013, 45(3):628-638.
24. Y.J. Yang*, W. Zeng, C.L. Yang, X.X. Meng, J.H. Yong, and B.L. Deng. G1 continuous approximate curves on NURBS surfaces. Computer-Aided Design (CAD), 2012, 44(9):824–834.
25. Y.L. Yang, Y.J. Yang, M. Niloy, and H. Pottmann. Shape space exploration of constrained meshes. ACM Transaction on Graphics (SIGGRAPH ASIA 2011), Article 124, 2011, 30(6).
26. H. C. Song, J.H. Yong, Y. J. Yang, and X.M. Liu. Algorithm for orthogonal projection of parametric curves on B-spline surfaces. Computer-Aided Design, 2011, 43(4):381-393.
27. Y.J. Yang*, W. Zeng, H. Zhang, J.C. Paul, and J.H. Yong. Projection of Curves on B-Spline Surfaces Using Quadratic Reparameterization. Journal of Graphical Models (GMOD), 72(5): 47-59, 2010.
28. Y.J. Yang*, S. Cao, J. H. Yong, H. Zhang, J.C. Paul, and J.G. Sun. Approximate computation of curves on B-spline surfaces. Computer-Aided Design (CAD), 2008, 40(2):223-234.
29. Y.J. Yang*, J.H. Yong, H. Zhang, J.C. Paul, and J.G. Sun. A rational extension of Piegl's method for filling n-sided holes. Computer-Aided Design (CAD), 2006, 38(11):1166-1178.
30. Y.J. Yang*, J.H. Yong, and J.G. Sun. An algorithm for tetrahedral mesh generation based on conforming constrained Delaunay tetrahedralization. Computers & Graphics, 2005, 29(4):606-615.
31. Y.J. Yang*, T.Q. Song, C.L. Yang, and X.X. Meng. Bezier surfaces with orthogonal iso-paramter curves. Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics, 2015, 27(1):76-80.
32. H.S. Zhao, C.L. Yang, L. Lu, X.T. Wang, Y.J. Yang, and X.X. Meng. An Algorithm for Visibility Computation of Points in Polygon. Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics, 2015, 25(3):331-340.
33. X.W. Li, Y.J. Yang, C.L. Yang, X.X. Meng, and Y. Li. A C1 continuous algorithm to optimize the parameterization of NURBS curves. Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics, 2014, 12:1-6.
34. Y.J. Yang* and J.H. Yong. Standardization of rational Bézier surfaces. Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics, 2006, 19(2):245-250.
35. Y.J. Yang*, X.X. Meng, C.L. Yang, and J.Y. Wang. Fast triangulation and skeleton generation algorithm for complex band-like image. Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics, 2003, 15(10):1270-1274.
36. Y.J. Yang*, X.X. Meng, C.L. Yang, and J.Y. Wang. An algorithm for thinning hand-written text based on Delaunay triangulation. Journal of Image and Graphics, 2002, 7(7):938-944.
37. W. Zeng, X.X. Meng, C.L. Yang, and Y.J. Yang. Fast Constrained Delaunay triangulation for planar polygonal domains. Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics, 2005, 17(9):1933-1940.
Conference Papers

38. Y.C. Xie, Yi-Jun Yang*, W. Zeng*. Coordinate Descent for k-means with Differential Privacy, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) 2023.

39. X.W. Zhao, L.Q. Yang, Yi-Jun Yang, W. Zeng*. Slice-sampling based 3D Object Classification, ACML 2021.
40. W. Zeng, Y.J. Yang and M. Razib. Graph-constrained surface registration based on Tutte embedding. CVPR Workshop on Biomedical Image Registration, 2016.
41. W. Zeng and Y.J. Yang. Colon flattening by landmark-driven optimal quasiconformal mapping. International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), 2014.
42. W. Zeng and Y.J. Yang. Surface matching and registration by landmark curve-driven canonical quasiconformal mapping. European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2014.
43. Y.J. Yang, J.H. Yong, H. Zhang, J.C. Paul, and J.G. Sun. Optimal parameterizations of Bézier surfaces. International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC), Reno (Nevada), USA. LNCS 4291, pp. 672-681. 2006.
44. Y.J. Yang, H. Zhang, J.H. Yong, J.C. Paul, and J.G. Sun. Constrained Delaunay triangulation using Delaunay visibility. International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC), Reno (Nevada), USA. LNCS 4291, pp. 682-691. 2006.
45. W. Zeng, C. L. Yang, X. X. Meng, and Y.J. Yang. Fast algorithms of constrained Delaunay triangulation and skeletonization for band-images. SPIE Defense and Security Symposium, 2004, Vol. 5403, pp 337-348.