1. 邹泽敬,陈晓键,齐应涛. 基于形态管理单元的传统村落新老空间有机更新路径—以韩城市柳枝村为例[J]. 规划师, 2024(06):88-96.
2. Liu Yixin, Li Zhimin, Tian Yixin, et al. A Study on Identifying the Spatial Characteristic Factors of Traditional Streets Based on Visitor Perception: Yuanjia Village, Shaanxi Province[J]. Buildings, 2024, 14(6):1815. (SCI收录)
3. Qi Yingtao, Yue Liping, Guo Tie, et al. A Study on the Perception of Local Characteristics in Cultural Street Vending Spaces, Taking Xi’an Baxian Temple as an Example[J]. Buildings, 2024, 14(1):192. (SCI收录)
4. Wang Mengying, Zhang Mingzhi, Qi Yingtao*, et al. Developing a Holistic Approach for Constructing Rural Living Circles in the Loess Plateau—Taking Yongning Village as an Example[J]. Buildings, 2024, 14(2):514. (SCI收录)
1. Qi Yingtao, Ren Yulin, Zhou Dian, et al. Quantitative Analysis and Cause Exploration of Architectural Feature Changes in a Traditional Chinese Village: Lingquan Village, Heyang County, Shaanxi Province[J]. Land, 2023, 12(4):886. (SSCI收录)
2. Qi Yingtao, Li Xiaodi, Wang Yupeng, et al. Research on Indoor Thermal Environment Analysis and Optimization Strategy of Rural Dwellings around Xi’an Based on PET Evaluation[J]. Sustainability, 2023, 15(10):7889.(SCI收录)
3. 齐应涛,周典,曹瑞萌 等. 乡村振兴背景下延安华润希望小镇规划建设实施效果评估分析[J]. 建设科技, 2023(23):59-62.
4. 齐应涛. 关中传统村落风貌演变特征解析[C]. (首届)中日乡村规划学术研讨会,云南元阳,2023-11-15至2023-11-20.(受邀报告)
1. 刘逸飞,齐应涛,周典,等. 基于空间句法的黄土沟壑区外迁型村落公共空间分析及优化研究[C]. CEB-ASC2022首届环境行为研究国际学术会议,北京交通大学,北京,2022-10-20至2022-10-23.
2. 杨扬,齐应涛,周典,等. 可达性视角下黄土沟壑区村落空间结构解析[C]. CEB-ASC2022首届环境行为研究国际学术会议,北京交通大学,北京,2022-10-20至2022-10-23.
1. Qi Yingtao. Preservation and Development of Traditional Villages between Japan and China(C), The 31th SONA(Society of Nepalese Architects) International Convention 2021, Nepal, 2021-10-30至2021-10-11 (受邀报告)
2. Cai lingzi, Qi Yingtao, Saio naoko. Comparative Analysis on Characteristics of Historical and Cultural-oriented Street Vending in Xi'an, China(C). 2021Annual meeting Architecture Institute of Japan, Toukai, Japan, 2021-9-7至2021-9-10
3. Gu xiaokang, Saio naoko, Qi yingtao. E-commerce Villages' Characteristics from the Perspective of Facilities and Living-Production Function(C). 2021Spring Symposium of the Association of Rural Planning, Toukyo University, Japan, 2021-9-7至2021-9-10
4. Liu xiangjun, Qi yingtao, Saio naoko. The Characteristics of Traditional Festival in Rural Areas Under the Background of Cultural Tourism Development -Case Study of Jiuxian Festival in Shaoxing, China(C). 2021Annual meeting Architecture Institute of Japan, Toukai, Japan, 2021-9-7至2021-9-10
5. Gu xiaokang, Saio naoko, Qi yingtao. E-Commerce Villages' External Spatial Characteristics in Inland China from the Viewpoint of Location Condition(C). 2021Spring Symposium of the Association of Rural Planning, Toukyo University, Japan, 2021-4-17至2021-4-17
6. Liu xiangjun, Qi yingtao, Saio naoko. Characteristics Analysis of Traditional Handcraft Brewery and Their Preserving Possibilities -A case study of Shaoxing, China(C). 2021Spring Symposium of the Association of Rural Planning, Toukyo University, Japan, 2021-4-17至2021-4-17
7. 丘昭旭,斎尾直子,齐应涛. 新旧が混在する伝統村落における住居の実態とその変遷―中国の客家農村地域・僑郷村を事例として(C). 2021年度日本建筑学会大会,东海,日本, 2021-9-7至2021-9-10
8. 丘昭旭,斎尾直子,齐应涛. 宗族組織による中国華南地方における伝統村落保全の実態―梅州僑郷村を事例として(C). 2021年度日本农村计划学会春期大会,东京大学,日本, 2021-4-17至2021-4-17
1. 斉応涛, 斎尾直子. 「旧村」と「新村」の視点からみた中国伝統的村落の居住維持の可能性--陝西省関中地方霊泉村を事例として[J], 日本建築学会計画系論文集, 2020, 85(768): 297-306 (日本建筑规划领域顶刊)
2. 齐应涛. 一村一品视域下日本传统乡村景观维持的实践及对我国的启示(C), 第一届“美丽乡村”风景园林学术论坛, 西安建筑科技大学, 2020-10-16至2020-10-16. (受邀报告)
3. Qi Yingtao, Xu da, Zhou dian, et al. An Investigation of the Reality of the Life of Chinese Traditional Villages and Houses from the Perspective of Tradition and Modernity(C), The 14th International Conference on Environment-Behavior Studies(EBRA), Xi'an,China, 2020-10-17至2020-10-18
1. 斉応涛, 斎尾直子. 「居住」と「観光」の視点からみた中国伝統的村落の特性分析--陝西省関中地方11村落を事例として[J], 日本建築学会計画系論文集, 2019, 84(758): 861-870 (日本建筑规划领域顶刊)
2. 斉応涛, 梅津綾, 斎尾直子. 中国西沖村伝統民家を事例とした伝統継承と現代的居住実態の考察, 2019年度日本农村计划学会春季大会, 东京大学, 日本, 2019-4-13至2019-4-13
3. 梅津綾, 斉応涛, 斎尾直子. 伝統的なカマドが継承される台所空間の魅力とその持続性,中国江西省婺源県西沖村を事例として, 2019年度日本农村计划学会春季大会,东京大学, 日本, 2019-4-13至2019-4-13
1. 斎尾直子, 斉応涛. 中国伝統村落の保全と課題,日本-中国の保全制度の比較--中国伝統村落の農村観光振興パータン[J], 農村計画学会誌, 2018, 37(2): 134-137 (日本农村规划领域顶刊)
2. Qi Yingtao, Saio Naoko. The State of Resident Activities and Spaces in Chinese Traditional Villages, Lingquan village, Shaanxi Province(C), The 13th International Symposium on Environment and Behavior Studies(EBRA), Wuhan, China, 2018-11-3至2018-11-4
3. 斉応涛, 斎尾直子. 旧村と新村の関係性からみた中国・伝統的村落の居住維持の可能性, 2018年度日本建筑学会大会, 东北大学, 日本, 2018-9-4至2018-9-6
1. Qi Yingtao, Saio naoko. Sustainable Preservation and Habitability of Traditional Villages in China- Lingquan Village, Shaanxi Province(C), The 48th Annual Conference of the Environmental Design Research Association(EDRA), Madison, Wisconsin, USA, 2017-5-31至2017-6-3
2. 斉応涛, 斎尾直子. 中国農村地域における観光化と居住性からみた伝統的村落の特性分析, 2017年度日本建筑学会大会, 广岛工业大学, 日本, 2017-8-31至2017-9-3
3. Pei Yifei, Saio Naoko, Qi Yingtao. Sustainable habitation of traditional villages from the viewpoint of regional industry, A case study in-between Kaneyama and Zheyuan district, 2017年度日本建筑学会大会, 广岛工业大学, 日本, 2017-8-31至2017-9-3