娄燕山 (Yanshan Lou)
娄燕山 (Yanshan Lou)
Xi'an Jiaotong University
School of Mechanical Engineering
Email: ys.lou@xjtu.edu.cn
娄燕山,2014年至2015年,作为洪堡学者在德国科学院院士、多特蒙德工业大学A.E. Tekkaya教授领导的国际顶级成形技术与结构轻量化研究所(IUL),从事轻质金属的塑性本构和损伤断裂的实验设计、本构模型的构建以及有限元应用等方面的研究。提出的本构模型植入到国际著名商业有限元软件Ansys LS-DYNA( *MAT_LOU_YOON_ANISOTROPIC_ PLASTICITY )。2019年获NUMIFORM2019颁发的O.C. Zienkiewicz Award(有限元之父—辛克维奇奖)。获中科院top期刊塑性力学学报颁发的2021年Int. J. Plasticity Young Research Award(国内首次)。中科院一区期刊Int. J. Plasticity、Int. J. Mater. Form.、Advances in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering等编委。
Dr. Yanshan Lou is currently professor of Mechanical Engineering at Xi'an Jiaotong University. He worked as an Alexander von Humboldt research fellow at the Institute of Forming Technology and Lightweight Components of TU Dortmund University from 2014 to 2015 with Prof. A. Erman Tekkaya, and worked in Swinburne University of Technology and Deakin University for about four years with Prof. Jeong Whan Yoon. His research focuses on the characterization of plastic behaviors for lightweight metals considering effects of stress states, deformation history, strain rate, temperature, etc. The research includes, but not limited to, experimental testing methods, advanced experimental data analysis, constitutive modeling, numerical simulation and industrial applications in plastic forming, crash, impact, lightweight design, etc. He developed a series of ductile fracture criteria, such DF2012, DF2014, DF2016, etc to improve the fracture characterization accuracy under wide stress states of compression, shear, tension, etc. He also proposed yield functions to characterize plastic behaviors of BCC, FCC and HCP metals for anisotropy, strength differential effect, anisotropic hardening, differential hardening, etc. His ductile fracture criteria and yield functions are commercialized by Anays LS-DYNA as *MAT_LOU-YOON_Anisotropic_Plasticity. He received the O.C. Zienkiewicz Award in 2019, and the Int. J. Plasticity Young Research Award in 2021. Dr. Lou serves as the editorial board member for Int. J. Plasticity, Int. J. Mater. Form., Advances in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, etc. He received his PhD at KAIST in 2012, supervised by Prof. Hoon Huh.
(Xi'an Jiao Tong University) (Professor)
(Deakin University) (Research Fellow)
(TU Dortmund University) (Alexander von Humboldt Scholar)
(Deakin University) (Associate Research fellow)
(Swinburne University of Technology) (Research Engineer)