(1.)Basic Information

Tian Liu

Doctoral supervisor

Associate professor of Xi 'an Jiaotong University. In 2014, he received PhD degree in BioMedical Engineering from Xi 'an Jiaotong University. Research interests: Neural function information detection and analysis, biomedical signal processing, neural regulation and rehabilitation engineering. He chaired three national level projects, five provincial level projects and four transverse projects, the total project funding is RMB 7 million. He is a member of the National Technical Committee of Standardization on Rehabilitation and Special Equipment for the Disabled, and associate editor of Journal of Alzheimer's Disease.
Contact Information:
Tian Liu, Ph.D
Institute of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
School of Life Science and Technology
Xi’an Jiaotong University
28 Xianning West Road, Xi’an, Shaanxi
P. R. China, 710049
Tel: +86 13119130267
E-mail: tianliu@xjtu.edu.cn