公共卫生学院沈明望助理研究员以“The cost-effectiveness of oral HIV pre-exposure
prophylaxis and early antiretroviral therapy in the presence of drug resistance
among men who have sex with men in San F...
2018年3月23日上午,公共卫生学院孔利云博士在卫法楼三楼教室作了题为“Application of the new membrane materials, mesoporous carbons and porous organic polymers in gas separation”的访学报告,与在座的老师...
近日,公共卫生学院2016级硕士研究生刘丽作为第一作者的论文“Assessing the associations of blood metabolites with osteoporosis: a Mendelian randomization study” 在内分泌领域的权威期刊《The Journal of Cl...