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Researchers from XJTU report new insights into collective properties of excited state

July 22, 2024
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The research collaboration between Wang Wenhui's research group from the School of Physics at Xi'an Jiaotong University (XJTU) and Zhao Jimin's research group from the Institute of Physics at the Chinese Academy of Sciences has made significant strides. They have made breakthrough progress in exploring the connection between excited state physics in quantum materials and the behavior of Euler Disk – a classical physical phenomenon.

In quantum materials, excited states generally refer to states with higher energy than the ground state. Electrons transition between excited states and the ground state. The phonon bottleneck effect in quantum materials occurs during the ultrafast relaxation process of electrons returning from the excited state to the ground state, representing a microscopic quantum state dynamic phenomenon near phase transitions.

After analyzing the similarities between the phonon bottleneck effect and Euler Disk, they have proposed a universal perspective on the understanding of excited state physics, transcending the boundaries between classical and quantum physics.

In their research, the team led by Wang discovered an intrinsic link between the phonon bottleneck effect and Euler Disk, providing a new viewpoint for a more comprehensive understanding of excited state physics phenomena. Their research breakthrough not only advances theoretical knowledge but also establishes the connection between the two through experimental validation, laying a solid foundation for further exploration of the laws governing excited state physics.

This significant research achievement was recently published in The Innovation, a comprehensive academic journal under Cell Press.
